Is price a meaningful indicator in translation? Is cheaper really better?

In the field of certified translations, price can significantly influence the quality and service provided. Here are some ways in which price makes a difference:


  1. Translation quality: Translators with extensive experience and specific specialisations (such as legal, medical or technical) tend to charge higher rates, due to their advanced expertise and ability to deliver high-quality translations.
  2. Certifications and authorisations: Authorised translations often require the translator to be certified or authorised by a recognised authority, which involves additional costs that are reflected in the rate charged.
  3. Delivery time: Express translations are usually more expensive. The additional charges for urgency are justified by the need for translators to prioritise these jobs and reorganise their schedule.
  4. Complexity of the text: Texts involving specific terminology or complex subject matter require more time and effort to ensure an accurate translation, leading to higher costs.
  5. Additional services: Other services, such as revision by another translator, DTP (desktop publishing) to preserve the original formatting or notarisation of the translation, may add additional costs.
  6. Volume and frequency of work: Clients who order translations in large volumes or who request services on a regular basis may benefit from reduced rates or discounts, thus influencing price perception.

Thus, price plays an important role in certified translations, reflecting the quality, expertise, speed and complexity of the service offered. It is essential that the choice of a translator takes into account the price as well as the specific requirements of the project in order to obtain an accurate and professional translation.

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